
Thank you for considering Skokie Public Library for your donations.

We are no longer accepting donations of materials of any kind.


If you would like to make a monetary donation to the library, you may do so online by visiting our PayPal account or clicking the Donate button below. Alternatively, you may mail a check to:

Skokie Public Library
Attn: Administration
5215 Oakton St.
Skokie, IL 60077

For memorial gifts or donations to honor friends and loved ones, please be sure to note whom the donation is in honor of.

Other organizations

These area organizations collect book donations and use them for a good cause.

Bernie’s Book Bank

The Niles Township office is now a permanent collection point for children’s books for Bernie’s Book Bank. Visit the Bernie's Book Bank website for more information on how you can contribute.

5255 Main Street
Skokie, Illinois 60077


Books4Cause helps fund and support various initiatives locally, nationally, and around the world. They accept any CDs, DVDs, and books in good condition.

7080 N. McCormick Blvd.
Lincolnwood, IL 60712
800-570-3698 (Dropoffs are M-F 8am-3pm; please call when you arrive.)

Little Free Libraries

Consider placing a few items in one of the Little Free Libraries located in Skokie. The Park District and Skokie Public Library have partnered to install Little Free Libraries in many parks around the Village. Other locations can be found by searching the Little Free Libraries website.

Chicago Books to Women in Prison

Chicago Books to Women in Prison sends books to incarcerated women throughout the country. Check their website for a list of donation needs and to make an appointment.

Goodwill Store and Donation Center

Goodwill accepts books, records, videotapes, and DVDs. They have numerous donation centers throughout the Chicagoland area, including one located in Skokie. Visit Goodwill's website for more information. 

5518 W Touhy Ave. 
Skokie, IL 60077

Open Books

Open Books is a nonprofit that delivers thousands of books to schools and nonprofits and sells books at two Chicago bookstores. Visit the Open Books website for information on donating books and scheduling a book pickup. Drop bins are open and taking donations 24/7 contact-free. There is a drop bin located in Skokie at Old Orchard Shopping Mall at the corner of Skokie Boulevard and Golf Road. Use the entrance off of Skokie Boulevard near Maggiano’s.

651 W. Lake St.
Chicago, IL 60661
312-475-1355 x2008